Application for a New Club Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Applicant(s) Information - Step 1 of 4 Applicant(s) Information Name of the Applicant *FirstLastEmail *Phone *Does your club has more than one mentors and/or groups? *YesNoList of Mentors * Visual Text Please list the names and emails of the mentors that will be involved and have responsibilities in your club. For example: - Adam Smith: adamsmith@gmail.comNext Club Information Club Name *Club Type *Reading GroupSportsApplied Science (Robotics, Application Development etc.)Science (Experimenting, researching etc.)Debating Technical Skills (Car mechanics, avionics etc. )Art MusicVideographyWriting (Script writing, fiction, non-fiction etc.)OtherEnter your club type *Overview (A description of your club) *Please describe your club. Specific activities you will engage in, your target audience etc.Goals of your club *What would be the desired outcome of your club? For example: - Helping students acquire regular exercising habits and a healthy lifestyle.PreviousNext Logistics & Finances Start and End Dates of your club *Note: Please don't specify a date before the application submission date. Meeting Frequency *Once a week Twice a weekOnce in two weeks OtherHow often will your club meet?Specific meeting frequency *How often will your club meet?What is the meeting times for your club? What day of the week at what time? * For example: Every Saturday at 4pm. Note: If you are applying for a club with multiple groups and mentors and thus varying meeting times, type N/A for this field.What location will your club meet? * For example: Algonquin College Libray Note: If you are applying for a club with multiple groups and mentors and thus varying meeting locations, type N/A for this field.What is the maximum number of students/mentees your club will have? *If your club has multiple mentors and/or groups, enter the maximum number of students a mentor will be responsible of?If any, what is the necessary cost per mentee or student? What specific costs constitute it? * Visual Text If your club comes with a registration price, state how much will you charge mentees and how that money will be spent. For example: -$50 registration fee. $1000 or 80% percent of the registration revenue will be payed to the mentor as a salary and remaining amount will be spent for equipment.PreviousNext Acknowledgements I, the applicant, acknowledge that I will be the person responsible with reporting required information, which are the total Volunteer Hours spent, a history of activities and attendance ratio, records of costs and expenditures (if any), and if I fail to provided the required information PLAY has the right and authority to terminate and/or fine the club. *Yes, I agree You will be required to submit this information in Activity Report Spreadsheet template that is provided below. Note: if you are applying for a club with multiple groups/ mentors, you will be required to submit separate Activity Reports for each group. Failing to do so will be equivalent to failing to submit the required information which you agreed on above. Click Here to Get Your Activity Report DocumentPlease sign below. *Clear SignatureBy signing this form you testify that all the information you provided is accurate and correct. You can be held responsible if you submit false information.PreviousSubmit